Western Wedding in-the-garden wedding location
- Decorated wedding venue
- Master of Ceremony for Corsage of personalized vows
- Bouquet for bride and buttonhole for groom
- Flower tray for the wedding rings
- CD playing during the ceremony
- One-hour digital filming (or VDO taping)
- Photographer (72 pictures with album)
- Wedding cake
- 1 bottle of Champagne
Wedding Certificate from hotel
- In-room honeymoon decoration for the wedding night
- Breakfast served in room after the wedding day

Thai Wedding
- Venue decorated with flowers
- Khan Mark set (presents for the bride's family)
- Flower tray for the engagement ring
- Altar set & seating for 5 monks
- 5 envelops of donation to monks
- 5 offering packages to monks
- Watering set
- Live Thai classical music
- 2 wedding garlands for bride & groom
- Wedding cake
- Photographer (72 pictures with album)
- 1-hour digital filming or VDO taping
- Wedding certificate from hotel
- Master of Ceremony
- In-room honeymoon decoration for the wedding night
- Breakfast served in room after the wedding day